Package contains
Product info
- License: Master Resell Rights
- Terms: PU, GA, RR, MRR
- Submitted: 08/05/2008
- Released: 08/05/2008
- Size: 588.60 KB
- Price: 1.90
- Software & Scripts
- Marketing & Promotion
Package details
- Jpeg/jpg files 14
- Html files 5
- Php files 127
- Gif files 6
Membership Site Manager V.2
Price: 1.90
Additional pages:
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- /
- MembershipSiteManager
- Sales_Material
- images
- 30dguaranteed.jpg
- checkmark.gif
- msm-back.jpg
- msm-box1-big.jpg
- msm-box1-large.jpg
- msm-box1-medium.jpg
- msm-box1-small.jpg
- msm-box1-tiny.jpg
- msm-footer.jpg
- msm-header.jpg
- msm-order1.jpg
- msm-order2.jpg
- index.htm
- thanksMSM.htm
- Script
- msm_script
- css
- style.css
- images
- icnDelete.gif
- icnDollar.gif
- icnDown.gif
- icnEdit.gif
- icnUp.gif
- install
- templates
- config.tpl
- config_done.tpl
- config_php.tpl
- templates_c
- %%0B^0B4^0B40EBED%%config.tpl.php
- %%00^006^00601EE0%%foot.tpl.php
- %%EB^EB7^EB70A56E%%head.tpl.php
- index.php
- js
- FormValidation.js
- lib
- internals
- core.assemble_plugin_filepath.php
- core.assign_smarty_interface.php
- core.create_dir_structure.php
- core.display_debug_console.php
- core.get_include_path.php
- core.get_microtime.php
- core.get_php_resource.php
- core.is_secure.php
- core.is_trusted.php
- core.load_plugins.php
- core.load_resource_plugin.php
- core.process_cached_inserts.php
- core.process_compiled_include.php
- core.read_cache_file.php
- core.rm_auto.php
- core.rmdir.php
- core.run_insert_handler.php
- core.smarty_include_php.php
- core.write_cache_file.php
- core.write_compiled_include.php
- core.write_compiled_resource.php
- core.write_file.php
- plugins
- block.textformat.php
- compiler.assign.php
- function.assign_debug_info.php
- function.config_load.php
- function.counter.php
- function.cycle.php
- function.debug.php
- function.eval.php
- function.fetch.php
- function.html_checkboxes.php
- function.html_image.php
- function.html_options.php
- function.html_radios.php
- function.html_select_date.php
- function.html_select_time.php
- function.html_table.php
- function.mailto.php
- function.math.php
- function.popup.php
- function.popup_init.php
- modifier.capitalize.php
- modifier.count_characters.php
- modifier.count_paragraphs.php
- modifier.count_sentences.php
- modifier.count_words.php
- modifier.date_format.php
- modifier.debug_print_var.php
- modifier.default.php
- modifier.escape.php
- modifier.indent.php
- modifier.lower.php
- modifier.nl2br.php
- modifier.regex_replace.php
- modifier.replace.php
- modifier.spacify.php
- modifier.string_format.php
- modifier.strip.php
- modifier.strip_tags.php
- modifier.truncate.php
- modifier.upper.php
- modifier.wordwrap.php
- outputfilter.trimwhitespace.php
- shared.escape_special_chars.php
- shared.make_timestamp.php
- Config.class.php
- Config_File.class.php
- Db.class.php
- Error.class.php
- Forms.class.php
- Functions.class.php
- HtPasswd.class.php
- Install.class.php
- Mailer.class.php
- Maillist.class.php
- Paginate.class.php
- PayPalIPN.class.php
- Smarty.class.php
- Smarty_Compiler.class.php
- TxnLog.class.php
- User.class.php
- Utils.class.php
- auth_db.php
- auth_http.php
- config.php
- debug.tpl
- manager
- templates
- admin_pw.tpl
- mail_list.tpl
- mail_options.tpl
- user_delete.tpl
- user_detail.tpl
- user_list.tpl
- user_log.tpl
- templates_c
- %%00^006^00601EE0%%foot.tpl.php
- %%01^018^018A8623%%mail_options.tpl.php
- %%6D^6D9^6D90E323%%user_delete.tpl.php
- %%23^23E^23E9BD33%%user_log.tpl.php
- %%84^84D^84D99E9A%%user_detail.tpl.php
- %%D4^D4F^D4F4ED40%%admin_pw.tpl.php
- %%D8^D85^D855D787%%mail_list.tpl.php
- %%E5^E50^E50FF2CF%%user_list.tpl.php
- %%EB^EB7^EB70A56E%%head.tpl.php
- index.php
- members
- index.html
- paypal
- ipn.php
- registration
- index.php
- templates
- foot.tpl
- head.tpl
- payment.tpl
- redirect_msg.tpl
- send_pw.tpl
- send_pw_mail_msg.tpl
- user_edit.tpl
- welcome.tpl
- templates_c
- %%0A^0A5^0A551A96%%send_pw_mail_msg.tpl.php
- %%0B^0B4^0B40EBED%%config.tpl.php
- %%00^006^00601EE0%%foot.tpl.php
- %%09^09A^09A9838F%%send_pw.tpl.php
- %%2A^2A0^2A048F64%%user_edit.tpl.php
- %%3C^3C2^3C219240%%payment.tpl.php
- %%8C^8CE^8CEB4848%%welcome.tpl.php
- %%8E^8E8^8E87F0CA%%config_done.tpl.php
- %%15^150^150A6AA0%%send_pw.tpl.php
- %%20^208^20827B6F%%payment.tpl.php
- %%27^27F^27F24678%%config_php.tpl.php
- %%61^614^6143EC59%%config_php.tpl.php
- %%70^706^7060BBA6%%redirect_msg.tpl.php
- %%72^72C^72C8A08D%%head.tpl.php
- %%72^726^726C75A1%%head.tpl.php
- %%90^904^9048A167%%welcome.tpl.php
- %%92^921^921A133E%%config.tpl.php
- %%99^99D^99D81B03%%foot.tpl.php
- %%99^997^997CCE2F%%foot.tpl.php
- %%A5^A5C^A5CFB3A5%%redirect_msg.tpl.php
- %%A6^A69^A698D81D%%config_done.tpl.php
- %%C9^C9D^C9D562BD%%send_pw_mail_msg.tpl.php
- %%E1^E1C^E1CEF176%%user_edit.tpl.php
- %%EB^EB7^EB70A56E%%head.tpl.php
- cancel.html
- index.html
- thanks.html
- setup-instructions
- images
- msm-back.jpg
- msm-footer.jpg
- msm-header.jpg
Introducing the incredible new script, Membership Site Manager V.2, that allows you to run a profitable membership site effortlessly, on 100% autopilot! This upgraded version has garnered excellent reviews from users who have experienced its benefits firsthand.
Imagine the potential: you can efficiently manage your own membership site at a fraction of the cost, propelling you to become an Internet marketing sensation almost overnight.
- [YES] Can be sold
- [YES] Can be used for personal use
- [YES] Can be packaged with other products
- [YES] Can modify/change the sales letter
- [YES] Can be added into paid membership websites
- [YES] Can put your name on the sales letter
- [YES] Can be offered as a bonus
- [YES] Can be used to build a list
- [YES] Can print/publish offline
- [YES] Can convey and sell Personal Use Rights
- [YES] Can convey and sell Resale Rights
- [YES] Can convey and sell Master Resale Rights
- [YES] Can be translated to other languages
- [NO] Can modify/change the main product
- [NO] Can modify/change the graphics and ecover
- [NO] Can be given away for free
- [NO] Can be added to free membership websites
- [NO] Can convey and sell Private Label Rights
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